Bear River Tackle flies are unlike any other flies in the entire world and are so effective they are patented (U.S. Pat. 10,039,271 and U.S. Pat. 10,292,376 B1).
Each fly is a one-of-a-kind original that will have some variability in color, size, curvature and placement of the feathers.
Most flies are proven on trout, bass, crappie, sunfish, bluegill and catfish.
Our quality fishing products are hand-made in the USA with U.S.-sourced materials whenever possible.
Please note that shipping may be delayed by as many as 14 days when on a fishing trip.
Become part of the Bear River Tackle story with our products and apparel.


Base-level fly design to target fish of your choice. Min. purchase: 10 flies.
Product Specifications:
Fly is tied on a #2 extra strong streamer hook using the Bear River Tackle Big Fish pattern and the materials used to produce the flies that are shown above.


Mid-Level fly design to target fish of your choice. Min. purchase: 10 flies.
Product Specifications:
Fly is tied on a #2 extra strong streamer hook using the Bear River Tackle Big Fish pattern. Mid-Level is based on the percentage of different materials used to produce the fly versus the Base design (eyes, body materials, feathers, thread, hooks, etc.)


Max-level fly design to target fish of your choice. Min. purchase: 10 flies.
Product Specifications:
Fly is tied on a #2 extra strong streamer hook using the Bear River Tackle Big Fish pattern. Max-Level is based on the percentage of different and exotic materials used to produce the fly versus the Base design (eyes, body materials, feathers, thread, hooks, etc.)
Big Bad Bass Rattler Family
Ash Special Family

Ash Special: Golden
Proven on trout, bass, crappie, bluegill and catfish.
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, two feathers forward and two feathers back.

Ash Special: Red
Proven on trout, bass, crappie, bluegill and catfish.
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, two feathers forward and two feathers back.
Craw Family

Gine Olive
Not tested yet.
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Gold-EY Olive
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

NJA Chartreuse
Proven on bass, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Red-DVL Chartreuse
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

TGR - Chartreuse
Proven on bass, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Gold-EY Black
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

GST Olive
Proven on bass, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

NJA Olive
Proven on bass, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Red-DVL Grey
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

TGR - Olive
Proven on bass, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Gold-EY Chartreuse
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

NJA Black
Proven on trout, bass, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Red-DVL Black
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.

Red-DVL Olive
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill
​Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, three feathers forward and two feathers back.
Octo Family

Gold-EY Black
Proven on trout, bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Gold-EY Olive
Proven on trout, bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Red-DVL Black
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

TGR Black
Proven on bass, catfish, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Gold-EY Chartreuse
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

GST Black
Proven on bass, catfish, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Red-DVL Chartreuse
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Zona Olive
Proven on bass, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Gold-EY Grey
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

GST Olive
Proven on bass, catfish, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.

Red-DVL Olive
Proven on bass, catfish, crappie, sunfish and bluegill​
Product Specifications:
2.25 inches in length tied on a #8 streamer hook, four feathers forward and four feathers back.
Salmon Slayer Family

Gold-EY Chartreuse & Pink
Performance details here.
Product Specifications:
4-4.5 inches in length tied on a #2 extra strong hook for big fish

Gold-EY Fuchsia & Purple
Performance details here.
Product Specifications:
4-4.5 inches in length tied on a #2 extra strong hook for big fish

Gold-EY Pink & Cerise
Performance details here.
Product Specifications:
4-4.5 inches in length tied on a #2 extra strong hook for big fish

Red-DVL Chartreuse & Pink
Performance details here.
Product Specifications:
4-4.5 inches in length tied on a #2 extra strong hook for big fish

Red-DVL Fuchsia & Purple
Performance details here.
Product Specifications:
4-4.5 inches in length tied on a #2 extra strong hook for big fish

Red-DVL Pink & Cerise
Performance details here.
Product Specifications:
4-4.5 inches in length tied on a #2 extra strong hook for big fish

Product specifications:
2 inches long; 1 inch diameter
Made in USA.
Fly Fishing Kits for
Spinning and Casting Rods
Don’t own a fly rod but would like to fish with flies?
These fly-fishing kits are for you!
Each kit contains proven Bear River Tackle flies,
instructions for rigging your rod and tips for catching more fish.
When you order one of these kits,
you have become part of the fly-fishing community!

Trout Spin-Cast Kit
Trout Pattern Flies
#8 Streamer Hooks
Flies 2.25 Inches in Length
Proven to catch Rainbow, Cutthroat and Brook Trout

Bass Spin-Cast Kit Crawfish
Craw Pattern Flies
#8 Streamer Hooks
Flies 2.25 Inches in Length
Proven to catch Largemouth Bass, Bluegill and Channel Catfish

Bass Spin-Cast Kit Minnow
Octo Pattern Flies
#8 Streamer Hooks
Flies 2.25 Inches in Length
Proven to catch Largemouth Bass, Bluegill and Sunfish

Salmon Spin-Cast Kit
Salmon Slayer Flies
#2 Streamer Hooks
Flies 4 - 4.5 Inches in Length
Proven to catch Coho, Pink, and Chum Salmon

Trophy Bass Spin-Cast Kit
Big Bad Bass Rattler Flies
#2 Streamer Hooks
Flies 4 - 4.5 Inches in Length
Proven to catch 5-6 pound Largemouth Bass